
Stamford Town Council was formerly a Borough Council prior to the Local Government re-organisation in 1974. Although a Town Council, it's responsibilities and powers are the same as any Parish Council, with certain civic duties that it is required to undertake within its Parish boundary. Town Council responsibilities include the management of the Cemetery, the Allotments, the Recreation Ground and the Town Meadows. In addition, Councillors are appointed as trustees of the Harry Skells Estate Trust and administer the funds available from the Trust.

South Kesteven District Council is responsible for Waste collection, Recycling, Planning and Environmental Health, Licencing (including Taxis), litter bins, markets, parking permits, public toilets, recycling, street cleaning, and tree preservation.

Lincolnshire County Council responsibilities include: Adult Social Care, Children's Services, Education, Police, Highways, flooding, street lighting, libraries, Registration and Celebratory Services

Information for businesses

Please click HERE for information regarding SKDC Business Support Grant Funding