The Role of the Mayor of Stamford


The Mayor is Stamford’s foremost citizen and the ceremonial leader of the town. In cases of unavailability or absence, the Mayor may be represented by the Deputy Mayor, or a senior Councillor (Past Mayor who is an active member of the council), as and when appropriate. The function of the Mayor is entirely apolitical. An effective Mayor can play a major role in promoting a positive image of Stamford and Stamford’s influence and importance at a local, regional, national and international level. A Mayor’s major contribution to the role is to focus on the promotion, development and execution of the Town Council’s vision and core objectives. Residents of Stamford rightfully expect the highest standards of conduct and impartiality in their Mayor and that the incumbent will proactively engage upon a wide range of duties and activities on their behalf during the mayoral year of office.


Use of Civic Chains


The wearing of Mayoral and Deputy Mayoral robes, chains and badges is the outward manifestation of Civic Office. There is significant history and protocol regarding the wearing of such insignia. An important point to remember is that the dignity of the Office must be maintained and that the use of civic robes should not be a matter of routine. When wearing the mayoral chain, the Mayor and/or Deputy Mayor should be appropriately dressed as befits the office and never wear inappropriate, casual clothing such as T shirts, jeans or trainers. Mayors and Deputy Mayors should also be aware that it would be a gross breach of protocol for them to wear Chains of Office outside the Town boundary without the express permission of the Council being visited. This caveat includes events held at Burghley House. The Deputy Mayor may only wear a robe and chain in the absence of the Mayor or at the Mayor’s discretion.



List of Past Mayors 


 The following photographs were taken of the wall panels in the Court Room of the Town Hall.