/_UserFiles/Files/Council/Attendance Record 2024-2025.pdfStamford has 21 Councillors, elected for a four year term who represent the five Wards within the town; these are St. George’s Ward, All Saints’ Ward North, All Saints Ward South, St. Mary’s Ward and St. John’s Ward. The Town Council meets monthly as a Full Council and also meets as smaller Committees to progress initiatives, resolve issues and to make recommendations to the full Town Council.
Please click HERE for the Councillor's attendance record 2019-2020.
Please click HERE for the Councillor's attendance record 2020-2021
Please click HERE for the Councillor's attendance record 2021-2022
Please click HERE for the Councillor's attendance record 2022-2023
Please click HERE for the latest Councillor's attendance record 2023-2024.
For contact details for the Town Clerk, please click here.